Ras al Hanout
Top-of-the-shelf aromatic spice mix.

Ras al hanout means 'top of the shelf' in Arabic, and can contain over 20 spices. Each souk has their own blend. Our version balances top note spices with mid-range, giving a slightly floral aroma. We recommend it mixed with oil, lemon juice and garlic as a marinade on fish and meat. It can also be used dry to spice up rice, potatoes, or other side dishes.
Ingredients: 21 spices - our secret blendIdeas for Ras al Hanout
- Ras al Hanout can be rubbed onto fish or chicken before pan-frying or grilling to give a nice golden, aromatic finish.
- Add half a teaspoon of Ras al Hanout per cup of couscous or rice while cooking to give a lightly spiced taste.
- Throw together a green salad with whatever you have available and then make it special by adding whole prawns that have been tossed in Ras al Hanout and quickly seared in a hot pan. Use about 1 teaspoon of Ras al Hanout to 400g raw prawns. You could also cube old bread (Turkish or ciabatta would be good), lightly toss in Ras al Hanout and then fry in olive oil till golden, and add to the salad.
- Make mince gourmet with the addition of 1 grated onion, 1 teaspoon of Ras al Hanout and 2 tablespoons of chopped mint (to 500g mince), formed into little meatballs, rissoles or even wrapped around skewers to be barbequed. Lamb mince works especially well with this Ras al Hanout idea.
- Dust calamari rings with a mixture of Ras al Hanout and flour before frying.
- Add a sprinkling of Ras al Hanout to your next omelette while cooking.
- Mix Ras al Hanout with a little oil, lemon juice and garlic as a marinade for chicken or fish.