
Use individual lettuce leaves as wraps for savoury pork, chicken or beef mince (especially good with Asian flavours), mixed in with herbs, rice noodles etc.
A quick Spanish salad of iceberg lettuce with pomegranate seeds and parsley, served with garlic slices quickly fried in olive oil, which is then tipped like a dressing over the cold lettuce and tossed together.
Barbecue meat (or veg), and chunks of red onion, capsicum, courgette, and sweet potato etc and once meat is rested, slice thinly. Make a bed of washed lettuce leaves on a large platter and scatter sliced meat and veggies on top. Top this with chopped herbs, and a dressing such as Aioli, chilli sauce, mustard, etc.
Shred the lettuce finely and stuff pita pocket bread with a mix of tuna, cucumber, mayonnaise, chopped mint, lemon juice, salt and pepper for an easy picnic lunch.
Haven't had Mexican for a while? For a very easy meal, buy some tacos or tortillas, some mince and other fillings, then use up a lot of lettuce when you put the meal together. Invite some friends around and you'll use up even more! (Lettuce can be like that, sometimes).
Turn iceberg lettuce into a yummy Chinese side. Stir-fried lettuce leaves with soya sauce, garlic and sesame oil is delicious. Yes cooked lettuce!!
And for the antipodeans, a nostalgic white bread sandwich with butter, vegemite and iceberg lettuce is a game changer.