Sicilian nut and spice mix used like dukkah as a dip and sprinkle.

Pronounced "spet see ay" this traditional Sicilian recipe can be used as a dip for bread, like Dukkah. Use it as a rub on meats or toss on roast vegetables. Sicilians sprinkle it on pizza but Vicki's husband loves it on soft-boiled eggs and toast.
Ingredients: pistachios, wild Sicilian oregano, poppy seeds, spices, thyme, salt, chilli.Ideas for Spezie
- Use Spezie as a dip with bread and extra virgin olive oil, as you would with Dukkah.
- Dip your toast soldiers into soft-boiled egg yolk and then Spezie for a breakfast treat.
- Sprinkle Spezie over leafy green salads.
- Do as the Sicilians do - sprinkle Spezie onto pizzas near the end of cooking.